Efficient Digitalization Enables Record-Time Crane Track Beam Replacement at voestalpine in Linz

The existing crane track beam in a 500-meter-long hall, built around 1950, had to be replaced due to material fatigue. This facility is part of the Steel Division of voestalpine AG. The initially estimated 34 days for installing the new, approximately 400-meter-long crane track beam in a cold rolling mill during ongoing operations were completed in a record time of just 28 days, thanks to detailed planning.

LOUNGES – Promo Tour Austria 2023

Reinraum Pharma

This year, we are participating in the Lounges – Promo Tour.The tour will take place at three different locations: Graz | Innsbruck | Salzburg. Lectures, demonstrations, and workshops will be offered at each event. For more information, please visit: Lounges2023 Austria – Cleanroom Processes

kununu Top Company 2023

Kununu Top Company 2023

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the kununu Top Company seal as a Top Company 2023, placing us among the top 5 percent of the most popular companies on the platform. We are thrilled to receive this recognition, as it reflects our efforts to create a modern and engaging work environment […]

We are a Member of the Austrian Steel Construction Association


Since the beginning of March 2023, we are proud members of the Austrian Steel Construction Association! The Austrian Steel Construction Association was founded in 1954 and currently comprises over 100 members from various sectors including industrial and commercial steel construction, steel trading, steel production, supply industries, corrosion protection, interest groups, authorities, testing institutions, technical offices, […]

Opening of Linz Location

Lorenz Standort Linz

We are now also in Linz! With our numerous projects in Upper Austria – including structural planning for companies like voestalpine Stahl, Primetals, and our collaboration with the Ordensklinikum der Barmherzigen Schwestern – we are taking the next step by opening a new company location in Linz. Are you interested in contributing to the establishment […]

Relocation EBA MR: Construction Site Update

The LKH Graz needed an MR (Magnetic Resonance) machine urgently for initial examination, observation, and admission (EBA). As of February 2023, all construction measures have been completed, and all preparations for the MR are finished. On February 21, 2023, the machine was lifted to the construction site using a crane and then introduced through insertion […]

WKO – Center of Excellence: Construction Site Update


The Center of Excellence involves the construction of several new WIFI workshops. The building will comprise a ground floor, four upper floors, and a basement with technical areas and an underground garage. A lot has happened recently, which is why we want to provide you with a brief update: The concrete pouring work in the […]

Virtual Reality on the Construction Site Thanks to BIM

Virtual Reality

In Sachen Digitalisierung des Bauens ist Generalplaner Lorenz Consult seit 2005 Wegbereiter. Effektivere fachwerksübergreifend Planung und das Abbilden des Gebäudes in 3D führten weiters 2009 zur Einführung von Building Information Modelling (BIM). Die Liste an erfolgreich umgesetzten Großprojekten ist lang, die Entwicklung geht weiter – bis hin zum Einsatz von Head-Up Display Brillen.

Career Opportunities at Lorenz Consult

Karriere Job Team Lorenz Consult

We are planning building technology for the future – and we offer you excellent career opportunities! At Lorenz Consult ZT GmbH, we are passionate about innovative overall planning for technically demanding buildings, specializing in hospitals, cleanrooms, hygiene facilities, as well as industrial and logistics buildings. Founded in 1972 by Mr. DI Werner Lorenz, this second-generation […]

Cautious Planning for Existing Structures

LKH Graz, Chirurgie BE3

Beim Umbau, der Sanierung oder der Erweiterung von bestehenden Gebäuden bedarf es einer genauen Projektentwicklung. Das Zivilingenieurbüro Lorenz Consult befasst sich damit seit Jahrzehnten und verfügt über eine umfassende Kompetenz in der Planung und Umsetzung bei Bestandsobjekten.

Welcome to the Golden Circle – Recap


“Welcome to the Golden Circle” was the theme of our company celebration for our 50th anniversary. Here is the video capturing the atmospheric and emotional evening at the Soap Factory.

Anniversary Celebration


Under the theme “Welcome to the Golden Circle,” we celebrated our 50th company anniversary last week. It was an evening filled with exceptional highlights, culinary delights, and enjoyable entertainment that was thoroughly enjoyed. We extend our gratitude to our clients for celebrating with us and for their trust over the past 50 years and into […]

50 Years of Lorenz Consult

50 Jahre Jubiläum Lorenz Consult

It’s time to celebrate for us. We look back on 5 successful decades and invite you to share in our company’s history and stories. In 2022, we’ll keep turning the wheel of time, revisiting the past 50 years of Lorenz Consult. We’re excited for you to join us on these little journeys through time!