Pharmaceutical Production Building

Produktionsgebäude LSCC (Large Scale Cell Culture), Boehringer Ingelheim Austria

Errichtung einer biopharmazeutischen Produktionsanlage für Boehringer Ingelheim am Standort Wien im Rahmen der begleitende Kontrolle.

Medical Gas Center, LKH Graz

Neubau Med-Gas Zentrale, Univ. Klinikum Graz

Lorenz Consult war beim Projekt LKH 2020 mit der Generalplanung, der HKLS-Planung und der örtlichen Bauaufsicht beauftragt.

Blood Bank, Univ. Klinikum Graz

Neubau Universitätsblutbank, Univ. Klinikum Graz

Die nach GMP-Richtlinien errichtete Blutbank wurde von Lorenz Consult als Projektsteuerung durch die GMP Qualifizierung geführt.

LKH Klagenfurt, New Building for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Klinikum Klagenfurt, Neubau Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (APP)

Beim Neubaus der Abteilungen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des LKH Klagenfurt war Lorenz Consult mit der Örtlichen Bauaufsicht betraut.

PCR-Laboratory Blood Bank, LKH Graz

PCR-Labor Blutbank, LKH Graz

Lorenz Consult verantwortete erfolgreich das Projektmanagement, die Hochbauplanung und die Bauaufsicht für das PCR-Laborumzugsprojekt.

Lactosan, Expansion R&D Phase 5

Erweiterung F&E Ausbaustufe 5, Lactosan GmbH & Co. KG

Lorenz Consult verantwortete die Generalplanung, Baukoordination und Bauaufsicht für die Erweiterung des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgebäudes.

Lactosan, Expansion Production Facility, Phase 4

Erweiterung Produktion Ausbaustufe 4, Lactosan GmbH & Co. KG

Bei der Sanierung und dem Umbau der Forschungs- und Betriebsstätte war Lorenz Consult als Generalplaner verantwortlich.

Baxter AG, Expansion Administration Building

Multifunktionsgebäude Orth/Donau, Baxter AG

Für die Baxter AG hat Lorenz Consult den Auftrag für die Erweiterung des Administrationsgebäudes in Orth an der Donau erhalten.

Nursing Home Building Mürzzuschlag

Neubau Landespflegezentrum Mürzzuschlag

Mit dem Neubau des Landespflegezentrum Mürzzuschlag soll war Lorenz Consult für das Projektmanagement und die Projektsteuerung zuständig.

Relocation Helicopter Landing Pad Pediatric Surgery, LKH Graz

Neuverortung Hubschrauberlandeplatz Kinderchirurgie, LKH Graz

Aus luftfahrtrechtlichen Gründen ist eine Neuverortung erforderlich. Für die Generalplanung der Neuverortung war Lorenz Consult maßgebend.

Construction Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, LKH Graz

Vollausbau Zahn‐/Mund‐ und Kieferheilkunde, LKH Graz

Lorenz Consult begleitete den Neubau der Univ.-Klinik für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde im Rahmen der Generalplanung.

LKH Leoben, Functional Building and Entrance Center

Neubau Funktionstrakt und Eingangszentrum, LKH Leoben

Lorenz Consult hat für das LKH Leoben die Örtliche Bauaufsicht für den Neubau des Funktionstrakts und das Eingangszentrums übernommen.

LKH Salzburg, Children’s Center

Neubau Kinderzentrum, LKH Salzburg

Lorenz Consult war beim Neubau des Kinderzentrums am LKH Salzburg für die Generalplanung und Örtliche Bauaufsicht verantwortlich.

Diakonissen-Hospital Schladming

DKH Schladming

Lorenz Consult war beim Neubau des Diakonissenkrankenhauses in Schladming für das Projektmanagement und die Örtliche Bauaufsicht verantwortlich.

Corporate Brochure


ALWAYS UP TO DATE. At Lorenz Consult, we keep you updated with our news. Learn more about our team, our exciting projects, and innovative solutions for technologically demanding buildings. Stay informed and inspired! News Team work makes the dream work. As a professional and competent team, we stand for outstanding results and customized solutions. Lorenz […]


Welcome to our press area. Our dedicated team at Lorenz Consult continuously works on exciting projects. In our press area, we keep you updated on the latest information about our ongoing projects and developments. LATEST Press­reports Press Photos Here you can find our key press photos. Lorenz Consult ZT GmbHMarlies Lafer, B.A.Sparbersbachgasse 468010 Graz +43 […]


CAREER AT LORENZ CONSULT. HIGH-END ENGINEERING. A career at Lorenz Consult offers diverse and exciting opportunities. We are known for our professionalism and commitment to excellence in every project. Talented professionals have the chance to use their potential to the fullest and advance their career with us. see open positions BENEFITS: MORE THAN JUST A […]


SUCCESS WITH TEAMWORK. As a professional and competent team, we stand for outstanding results and tailored solutions. DI Lorenz Christian CEO DI Dabernig Gerald CEO Become part of our team! We are always looking for talented individuals. apply now A HEADQUARTER FOR INNOVATION Achieving successful project realization together through teamwork, courage, and vision. show all […]


LORENZ CONSULT. ACHIEVING SUCCESS THROUGH INNOVATION AND FORESIGHT. Corporate brochure We are passionate about innovative overall planning for technically challenging buildings. Our family-owned company, now in its second generation, was founded in 1972 by senior boss DI Werner Lorenz and has established itself as an integral part of the international civil engineering industry over the […]


REFERENCE PROJECTS BY COMPETENCIES AND SERVICES FILTER Expertise Expertise Clean Room Electronics Clean Room Food Processing Clean Room Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Hospital Planning Industrial Construction Planning Laboratory & Biosafety Logistics Building Design Services Services General Planning Local Construction Supervision Structural Engineering Structural Engineering Design TGA-Planning DO YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION? GRAZVIENNALINZVILLACH +43 316 8018-0 CONTACT Feel […]

Laboratory & Biosafety

Labor und Biosafety

PROFICIENT PLANNING OF LABORATORIES AND BIOSAFETY Specific planning of laboratory environments and work processes for maximum efficiency and safety. SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARITY We understand the importance of holistic concepts and use state-of-the-art technologies to achieve optimal safety standards. Wir verstehen die Bedeutung von ganzheitlichen Konzepten und setzen modernste Technologien ein, um optimale Sicherheitsstandards zu […]

Hospital Planning

COMPETENT HOSPITAL PLANNING Flexible and cost-effective healthcare facilities from concept to operational phase support. CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS FOR HOSPITAL PLANNING Hospital planning requires high expertise and professional knowledge to create modern healthcare facilities. Our experts contribute with their longstanding experience in this field to develop clever and flexible solutions. We factor in the ever-evolving requirements in […]

Clean Room Electronics

Reinraum Elektronik

CLEAN ROOM ELECTRONICS FOR PRECISE PRODUCTION Controlled environment for the manufacturing of electronic components with the highest precision and minimal particle contamination. RELIABLE SOLUTIONS FOR CLEAN ROOMS IN THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY The construction of a clean room for the electronics industry requires extensive expertise to meet the high demands. Our experts bring in their knowledge […]

Clean Room Pharma

Reinraum Pharma

CLEAN ROOM PHARMA FOR EFFICIENT PROCESSES Smart solutions for the rigorous demands of the pharmaceutical industry through expertise. CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS FOR TOP-QUALITY CLEAN ROOMS The construction of a clean room for the pharmaceutical industry requires extensive expertise and specialized knowledge. Our experts have years of experience in planning and implementing such highly specialized environments. From […]


OUR COMPETENCIES. REALISING BOLD VISIONS AND LEADING THE WAY INTO THE FUTURE. We have been providing holistic services for our customers for 50 years. Working with BIM has become a standard in all our projects by now. contact Clean Room Pharma­ceutical Manufacturing Clean Room Food Processing Clean Room Electronics Logistics Building Design Industrial Construction Planning Hospital […]

Local construction supervision

PRECISE LOCAL CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND SMOOTH CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES. Construction supervision and coordination with passion: for professional realisation and highest quality in every construction project. find out more about us YEARS OF EXPERIENCE SECURE FINANCES, DEADLINES AND QUALITY Local construction supervision plays a crucial role in construction projects. Our experienced construction supervisors monitor and […]

Structural engineering


STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. SAFETY AND INNOVATION IN EVERY BUILDING. Creating impressive buildings through specialised expertise and sentient understanding of them. find our more about us INNOVATIVE PLANNING FOR SAFETY AND MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY Structural engineering design plays a crucial role in every construction project. Our experienced structural engineers carefully analyze the structural requirements and design robust and […]



VISIONARY DOMESTIC ENGINEERING: EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY UNITED. Innovative solutions and systems for environmentally friendly buildings that conserve resources and provide comfort. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND FLEXIBILITY THROUGH VISIONARY PLANNING Domestic engineering design is an essential part of every construction project. It involves the planning and coordination of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, […]


INNOVATIVES LEISTUNGS­SPEKTRUM DER ZUKUNFT. Unsere Expert:innen betreuen Projekte von der ersten Projektüberlegung bis zur Inbetriebnahme. mehr über uns erfahren Generalplanung / Projektsteuerung INFO Innovative und reibungslose Abwicklung über den gesamten Umsetzungszeitraum. Hochbauplanung INFO Kompetente Planung von der ersten Idee bis zur Umsetzung mit gebündeltem Know-how. TGA-Planung INFO Energieeffizienz und Flexibilität durch perfekte Planung und visionäre Technologie. Tragwerksplanung […]

VIP3000-Newsletter April 2023

VIP3000 Newsletter Reinraum

The latest VIP3000 newsletter for April 2023 has been released. It contains engaging information and various articles about projects in the cleanroom and pharmaceutical sectors. Among the numerous contributions in this edition, you can find an article by Lorenz Consult on pages 8 and 9, discussing “Construction and Planning Under Changed Conditions.” Continue to the […]

kununu Top Company 2023

Kununu Top Company 2023

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the kununu Top Company seal as a Top Company 2023, placing us among the top 5 percent of the most popular companies on the platform. We are thrilled to receive this recognition, as it reflects our efforts to create a modern and engaging work environment […]

We are a Member of the Austrian Steel Construction Association


Since the beginning of March 2023, we are proud members of the Austrian Steel Construction Association! The Austrian Steel Construction Association was founded in 1954 and currently comprises over 100 members from various sectors including industrial and commercial steel construction, steel trading, steel production, supply industries, corrosion protection, interest groups, authorities, testing institutions, technical offices, […]

Opening of Linz Location

Lorenz Standort Linz

We are now also in Linz! With our numerous projects in Upper Austria – including structural planning for companies like voestalpine Stahl, Primetals, and our collaboration with the Ordensklinikum der Barmherzigen Schwestern – we are taking the next step by opening a new company location in Linz. Are you interested in contributing to the establishment […]

Latest News from Lactosan – Expansion Phase 6

The progress of Expansion Phase 6 at Lactosan in Kapfenberg is going well. Currently, the following work is taking place: Completion and commissioning of cleanrooms Finalization of outdoor facilities Installation of furnishings We have been entrusted with the general planning and have closely collaborated with the client and the technology supplier for process technology, from […]

Virtual Reality on the Construction Site Thanks to BIM

Virtual Reality

In Sachen Digitalisierung des Bauens ist Generalplaner Lorenz Consult seit 2005 Wegbereiter. Effektivere fachwerksübergreifend Planung und das Abbilden des Gebäudes in 3D führten weiters 2009 zur Einführung von Building Information Modelling (BIM). Die Liste an erfolgreich umgesetzten Großprojekten ist lang, die Entwicklung geht weiter – bis hin zum Einsatz von Head-Up Display Brillen.

Career Opportunities at Lorenz Consult

Karriere Job Team Lorenz Consult

We are planning building technology for the future – and we offer you excellent career opportunities! At Lorenz Consult ZT GmbH, we are passionate about innovative overall planning for technically demanding buildings, specializing in hospitals, cleanrooms, hygiene facilities, as well as industrial and logistics buildings. Founded in 1972 by Mr. DI Werner Lorenz, this second-generation […]

Cautious Planning for Existing Structures

LKH Graz, Chirurgie BE3

Beim Umbau, der Sanierung oder der Erweiterung von bestehenden Gebäuden bedarf es einer genauen Projektentwicklung. Das Zivilingenieurbüro Lorenz Consult befasst sich damit seit Jahrzehnten und verfügt über eine umfassende Kompetenz in der Planung und Umsetzung bei Bestandsobjekten.

ÖBB Railway Bistro Salzburg

BBS - Bahn Bistro Salzburg

Lorenz Consult hat für das neue ÖBB Bahnbistro in Salzburg ein Gebäude mit Produktionsküche, Unterkunft und Infrastruktur errichtet.

LKH Univ.-Klinikum Graz, Surgery Construction Phase 3

Chirurgie BE3

Unsere Leistungen umfassten bei der Bauetappe 3 der Chirurgie des LKH Univ.-Klinikums Graz die Generalplanung und Tragwerksplanung.

Anniversary Celebration


Under the theme “Welcome to the Golden Circle,” we celebrated our 50th company anniversary last week. It was an evening filled with exceptional highlights, culinary delights, and enjoyable entertainment that was thoroughly enjoyed. We extend our gratitude to our clients for celebrating with us and for their trust over the past 50 years and into […]


Informationen gemäss E-Commerce-Gesetz: Company Name:Lorenz Consult Ziviltechniker GmbH Adress:Sparbersbachgasse 46, 8010 Graz Phone, Fax:+43 (0) 316 / 80 18 – 0 Fax DW 30 Commercial Register Number:284123D Commercial Register Court:Graz Chamber Membership:Chamber of Architects and Consulting Engineers for Styria and Carinthia UID Number:ATU 62975944 Disclaimer: 1. Content of the Online OfferThe author assumes no […]


Innovative Gebäudeplanung

INNOVATIVE PROJECTS WITH ADDED VALUE We think and act economically, sustainably, and holistically. DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION Comprehensive planning of technologically challenging buildings. CONCEPTS AND COMPETENCIES FOR THE FUTURE From the initial idea to turnkey handover. EXPERIENCE, IDEAS AND KNOW-HOW We successfully implement projects with our team. General Planning Structural Engineering Design Structural Engineering TGA-Planning […]

50 Years of Lorenz Consult

50 Jahre Jubiläum Lorenz Consult

It’s time to celebrate for us. We look back on 5 successful decades and invite you to share in our company’s history and stories. In 2022, we’ll keep turning the wheel of time, revisiting the past 50 years of Lorenz Consult. We’re excited for you to join us on these little journeys through time!

LKH Graz, AU15, Catheterization Lab

LKH Graz, Provisorium Herzkatheter

Die Lorenz Consult übernahm als Generalplaner die Erweiterung AU15 der Inneren Medizin des LKH Graz mit einem Herzkatheterlabor.

Air Base FIALA Fernbrugg, Aigen i. Ennstal

FIH Fiala

Die Lorenz Consult entwickelte als Generalplaner den Fliegerhorst FIALA Fernbrugg für das Militärische Immobilienmanagementzentrum (MIMZ).

Energy Control Center, Wien Energie

Errichtung Energieleitstelle (ELS)

Im Auftrag der Wien Energie war die Lorenz Consult als Generalplaner für den Umbau eines Geschosses in eine Energieleistelle verantwortlich.

ÖBB, Central Training Workshop in Vienna, Hebbelplatz.

Umbau ÖBB Zentrallehrwerkstätte Wien, Hebbelplatz

Die Lorenz Consult beteiligte sich an der örtlichen Bauaufsicht beim Umbau der ÖBB Zentrallehrwerkstätte.

Smart City Tower, Graz

Neubau Smart City Tower

Mit dem Smart City Tower entstand ein Wahrzeichen für Graz. Lorenz Consult übernahm die Tragwerksplanung und Baustellenkoordination.

Country’s Vocational School Graz St. Peter

Landesberufsschule Graz St. Peter

Lorenz Consult übernahm die örtliche Bauaufsicht und Hochbau beim schrittweisen Neubau und Verdichtung der Landesberufsschule in St. Peter.